Example of microcosm
Example of microcosm

example of microcosm example of microcosm example of microcosm

The observed plant bioconcentration factors are higher than those predicted by usual numerical models, probably due to the specific binding of IPU on one protein of the photosynthetic apparatus. A high variability of the IPU concentration was observed in exposed plants, with bioconcentration factors ranging from 100 to 1,200 with large coefficients of variation. This relatively fast decrease was also confirmed in 1995, but it reached a constant value after two months. A first-order kinetic decrease in IPU concentration was observed in 1994, with half-life ranging from 15 to 35 d, depending on the microcosms. The IPU concentration was determined in the water column and in different species (mainly plants) of the microcosms. In each case, the initial concentration of IPU contamination was set at 10 microg/L. Three different types of ecosystems were tested in 1994 and one type of ecosystem was selected and repeated in 1995 with three replicates. All the experiments were conducted during the summer over two years. To gain information concerning the ecotoxicity of isoproturon (IPU) on aquatic ecosystems, six experimental ponds of 5 m3 each were studied. Merlin, Gerard Vuillod, Maryline Lissolo, Thierry Clement, Bernard The definition of a microcosm is a small subset of a whole that is generally considered to be representative of the whole.Fate and bioaccumulation of isoproturon in outdoor aquatic microcosms. An example of a microcosm is a small sect of the population which is surveyed in order to get an idea of the opinions of the general population. What is microcosm and macrocosm in literature?Ī “microcosm” is an individual or community considered as a seperate universe “macrocosm” is the entire great world as a whole. In both of Shakespeare’s plays the element of subplot is introduced (microcosm) as part of the whole (macrocosm). Microcosms, as the name infers, are smaller versions of something relatively large. This literary device can be used to represent the whole world and certain aspects of society, as seen in stories like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. What is the meaning of microcosm in a sentence?ĭefinition of Microcosm. My father has filled his aquarium with a wide variety of fish in order to turn it into a microcosm of the ocean. What is a microcosm easy definition?ġ : a little world especially : the human race or human nature seen as an epitome (see epitome sense 1) of the world or the universe. 2 : a community or other unity that is an epitome (see epitome sense 2) of a larger unity The suburb has been the microcosm of the city. We are thus microcosm and macrocosm we are a cell of Earth’s body, we are an Earth we contain many Earths within us, we are a galaxy, a universe and more… We are in this world… but this world is also within us. Check the answer of What does macrocosm mean in literature?ġ : the great world : universe. 2 : a complex that is a large-scale reproduction of one of its constituents. Other Words from macrocosm Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About macrocosm. In Macbeth, the microcosm is the world of Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s court and their warped consciousnesses as they murder Duncan to gain the crown of Scotland, starting down a bloody path to more and more murder and finally to war. Microcosm was a hypermedia system, originally developed in 1988 by the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, with a small team of researchers in the Computer Science group: Wendy Hall, Andrew Fountain, Hugh Davis and Ian Heath. The word “paradox” derives from the Greek word “paradoxons,” meaning contrary to expectation. In literature, a paradox is a literary device that contradicts itself but contains a plausible kernel of truth. … Paradox shares similar elements with two other literary terms: antithesis and oxymoron. What is Moira in literary terms?įate, Greek Moira, plural Moirai, Latin Parca, plural Parcae, in Greek and Roman mythology, any of three goddesses who determined human destinies, and in particular the span of a person’s life and his allotment of misery and suffering. Literary devices are specific techniques that allow a writer to convey a deeper meaning that goes beyond what’s on the page.

Example of microcosm